

Hi All,

(Newbie, so I apologize in advance)

So here is my scenario:
Single subject, 9 total runs (3 with condition A, 3 with condition B, 3 with
condition C) all collected during a single visit.

1st Level Analysis on each run separately. 
- 1 EV: Simple 20s block design (rArArArA or rBrBrBrB or rCrCrCrC)
- 1 Contrast: 1

2nd Level Analysis (here is the quandry)
Should I use?
Setup 1 (similar to "tripled" t-test" on website but without additional EV
for removal of means)
Input  Grp EV1  EV2
A1       1      1      1
A2       1      1      1
A3       1      1      1
B1       1     -1      0
B2       1     -1      0
B3       1     -1      0
C1       1      0      -1
C2       1      0      -1
C3       1      0      -1

Contrasts   EV1   EV2
A-C             1        2
C-A             -1       -2
A-B             2       1
C-B             1       -1
B-A             -2      -1
B-C             -1       1
A mean        1       1
B mean        -1      0
C mean        0       -1

Or should I use setup 2?
Input  Grp EV1  EV2  EV3
A1       1      1      0     0
A2       1      1      0     0
A3       1      1      0     0
B1       1      0      1     0
B2       1      0      1     0
B3       1      0      1     0
C1       1      0      0     1
C2       1      0      0     1
C3       1      0      0     1

Contrasts   EV1   EV2  EV3
A-C             1        0      -1
C-A             -1       0       1
A-B             1       -1       0
C-B             0       -1       1
B-A             -1       1       0
B-C              0       1       -1
A mean        1       0       0
B mean        0       1       0
C mean        0       0       1

Or am I missing the boat entirely? I've tried running higher level analysis
with both set-ups and the results come out nearly but not exactly identical
except for the contrasts to determine condition means. Alternatively, should
I run a higher level for each condition separately (single group average)
and then feed those into a third level using one of the above setups but
with only 3 inputs?

Many thanks,
