

Hi Silvia,

I am not sure I completely follow what the reviewer wants: if you have looked only at the prefrontal cortex, surely this is because you had an a priori hypothesis and tested only within it in randomise?

What exactly have you done: a whole-brain vbm with randomise -m only in the prefrontal lobe?

If so, this is I think already a SVC (but Tom would correct me if I'm wrong)...

If what the reviewer wants is something like: you have within the prefrontal lobe a cluster that is "significant" uncorrected and he wants you to correct for multiple comparisons within this cluster, then have a look at this thread of the FSL archives:

If the scenario you describe is none of these ones, could you then specify exactly what you did and what the reviewer wants?


--- En date de : Jeu 7.5.09, Silvia Juanes <[log in to unmask]> a écrit :

> De: Silvia Juanes <[log in to unmask]>
> Objet: [FSL] small volume correction
> À: [log in to unmask]
> Date: Jeudi 7 Mai 2009, 16h48
> Hi FSLrs,
> I'm running a fsl-vbm comparing two groups based on a
> ROI of the prefrontal
> cortex. I get uncorrected results (vox-tstat) but not
> corrected ones. The
> reviewers from a journal ask me to perform small volume
> correction. I know
> this is possible with the spm, but is that possible with
> the fsl? How can I
> do it? Any help will be more than welcome...
> Thank you very much,
> Silvia.