     I think it would be useful if I could look over your data locally - can you tar up your files and upload them to:


and let me know the 6-digit reference number?

Many Regards


I have tested a model (within subject repeated measure ANOVA 3 session x7 timepoints) using randomize running the following command
randomise_parallel -i Input_255_zmaps.nii.gz -o Output.nii.gz -d design.mat  -t design.con -f design.fts -e group.grp -n 5000 -m mask.nii.gz -T -R

Looking at raw fstat files (e.g. difference in session1 versus 2) I get very high f-values but the corresponding p_fstat and corrp_fstat and corrp_tfce_fstat files are empty (i.e. ranged 0-0)!  (The fstats are plausible as I confirmed them by looking at the voxel data). I would understand non significant p-values, but what does a null range mean? 

I am also attaching a snapshot of the tfce_fstat file that has a value of 8.29 everywhere (in blue)! I doubt if this TFCE map makes sense, but I am not sure what to expect either :)

Any hint where to look for the potential source of error/bug/problem/explanation is much appreciated. 
Regards, Naj
