

Dear Ariana,

> I've been having trouble getting the nonlinear registration to work  
> when
> using MELODIC. This problem occurs when I try to use multi-session  
> temporal
> concatenation, and only occurs when I turn on the non-linear  
> registration
> option.  The analysis works fine using the regular registration, but  
> I get
> error messages when using non-linear for the same analysis and same  
> files.
> I understand this is possibly due to me not having the full  
> structural files,
> but these are not available.  I only have the 4D scans available.

when you say "4D scans", do you by that mean your EPI scans? I am  
afraid that you cannot use non-linear registration base only on these.  
Primarily because we don't have an EPI template in standard space  
(unlike e.g. flirt, fnirt needs a template with similar-ish contrast  
to the image you want to register). Even if we were to supply an EPI  
template it is often the case that these contain so little/poor  
structural information that the non-linear registration would have  
little to work with.

So, I am afraid that my best advice to you is to be happy with the  
linear registration.

Good Luck Jesper