

Hi - if you look through the log file report_log.html you will see the  
clustering command used.  If you run this command inside the same FEAT  
output directory you can also get cluster to report what the minimum  
cluster size is with the  --minclustersize    option.


On 30 May 2009, at 16:47, Anna-Maria D'Cruz wrote:

> Hi - the article makes perfect sense, and I understand the trade-off  
> between
> smoothing and chosing the cluster threshold p-value. But I still can't
> figure out where to plug in the numbers to get out what my minimum  
> cluster
> size is given all these variables! Or is there an output file that  
> might
> tell me this for each dataset?
> Thanks again,
> A-M

Stephen M. Smith, Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Associate Director,  Oxford University FMRIB Centre

FMRIB, JR Hospital, Headington, Oxford  OX3 9DU, UK
+44 (0) 1865 222726  (fax 222717)
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