

See my response to your question yesterday.



-----Original Message-----
From: FSL - FMRIB's Software Library [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf
Of Benjamin Rhiger
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 6:07 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [FSL] DICOM to nifti conversion difficulty

I have been using MRIConvert to convert my DICOM files to nifti format. I
have some DTI DICOM data from a that are a series of 15 slices for each of
my 25 gradient vectors (390 slices in all, including the b0 scan). When I
try to convert these files to a single 4D nifti file, MRIconvert only takes
the last 15 slices and outputs a single 3D volume. I also have some DTI data
from a Siemen's machine that is in mosaic form (that is each DICOM file in a
given DTI series is a mosaic of slices) and MRIconvert seems to have no
trouble converting these into the appropriate 4D nifti file. 

Has anyone else encountered this problem? 

I could divide the 390 DICOM files into 15-slice volumes "by hand," convert
each volume separately and manipulate them using the fsl utilities. However,
that seems cumbersome and I thought the DICOM mosaics were a recent
development so this older converter should be able to handle my hefty stack
of data, right?
