

I would try converting the field maps using dcm2nii, in the MRIcron package,
or MRIConvert and see if you get the correct intensities that way (I use
dcm2nii and get intensities that work).  As for trying to manually scale the
images, I am honestly not sure, perhaps someone else on the list knows

About the IPAT, I think that is correct, but again someone else on the list
should verify as that is the kind of question I would tend to ask one of my
BME colleagues with more extensive MR physics background. ;)

Regarding the "few voxels more" could you send me a screenshot of what you
are talking about?  Were your brain extractions good?  You might need to
modify the bet lines in the code I sent to be optimal for your data
(specifically the -f option, and -g might need to be set as well).



-----Original Message-----
From: Siewmin Gan [mailto:[log in to unmask]] 
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 12:17 PM
To: [log in to unmask]; Matt Glasser
Cc: Siewmin Gan
Subject: Re: problem running FEAT

Hi Matt, thank you very much for your help. 

Can I ask you a basic question?
I assume the 2 GRE maps I have are a realfieldmap and a magnitude map from 
comparing them to the fsl webpage on how they may look like. The
"realfieldmap" dicom 
has intensity -4096 to + 4094. Am I right to then prepare this realfieldmap
by calculating 
it to make it of a range from either -pie to pie or 0 to 2 pie? 

With the fieldmaps, they are acquired from a 3T Siemens Scanner and
converted from 
dicom to Analyze/Nifti using Debabeler. I also tried another way to convert
them, this 
time using SPM. The fieldmap output from SPM would retain intensity values
from -4096 
to +4092. I tried to multiply them by 3.14 and divide by 4096 and their
intensity range 
becomes-pie to pie or -3.14 to + 3.14. However, when I input this into the
Feat Gui, an 
error msg pops up with "Error:Child Process Exited Abnormally". May I ask
what may be 
the reason for this?  I read there is no difference between the two ranges
but the former 
range fieldmap I have doesn't seem to be accepted on the GUI. Would it
matter if the 
intensity are from -pie to pie using the command lines?

I tried the command lines you've written. I noticed a few voxels more in the
brain edges 
in the output undistorted images compared to the original 4D data. I'm not
sure if it's due 
to masking. I tried both y and y- directions and there is no difference in
the output. If this 
is so, could this mean that my input data is faulty, so the output from the
command lines 
didn't undistort the data? Also, with the command lines, if I use IPAT 2
parallel processing 
on the Scanner, should I input 1/2 the dwell time when running this

I tried the FSL FEAT GUI again now, and there are more command lines coming
out of the 
log file. I'm waiting to see if I could get output files this time. For
using the GUI to only 
do B0 distortion, is it necessary to apply spatial smoothing FWHM and /or
Filtering option on the pre-stats section? 

Many Thanks again.
