

Thanks to all who responded privately.
Situation is cooling down. However people still (most of them) at home.
I remember when I was a little kid playing football and you are distracted,
then someone yells at you "look out with the ball!" You duck and cover with
your arms...  but the "strike"  passes you by and then you start to raise
the head and check out the environment. That is the feeling we are living
now in Mexico and perhaps all over the world

I will strongly suggest to keep up with the data from WHO, because one of
our governement mistakes (and the media as well) was the mis-information
provided. People here started to look with distrust to the data provided,
even in the health ministry web site. Complots and conspiracy theories
immediatly emerged. Even other countries started to kill pigs because of the

I suggest not to classify or at least for the moment the suspected cases and
perhaps the probable. CDC and WHO uses different case definitions

The WHO uses this case definition

whilst the CDC uses this one

The health ministry here in Mexico decided not to publish the suspected or
probable cases, just as it was generating more confusion among the people.

I would like to emphasize the importance of adequate statistical
communication with the audience and clear definitons of the terms before
they go out to the media.

Best wishes

Carlos A. Cuello-García, MD
Director, Centre for Evidence-Based Practice-Tecnologico de Monterrey
Cochrane-ITESM coordinator. Professor of Paediatrics and Clinical Research
Avda. Morones Prieto 3000 pte. Col. Doctores. CITES 3er. piso,Monterrey NL,
México. CP64710
Phone. +52(81)88882154 & 2141. Fax: +52(81)88882019

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