

Peter your wrong about the NHBC warranty and the extent of the building
regulation coverage it has not been just the building footprint for quite
some time and the plot area is relevant.

I would accept the point that not everthing is obvious on a site and you
dont need to uncover everthng to build a house and garden (unless you should
have because of its potential condition) but due diligence is indicated and
ignorance is not acceptable particuarly if the liability is strict or
tightly defined in law which it is for pollution and contamination.

The part IIA  regime devotes pages and pages of regualtion and guidance on
liabitlites if thats the route chosen.  The developer will allmost certainly
have introduced new senstive receptors to tthe site and will find it
difficult (unless therse some relevant facts ) to show they are not
responsible for remdiation.  They may have caused or knowingly permitted as

In planning terms the developer wll also be responsible for a safe development.

It would be wise I think to plot where exactly asbestos is being found and
what construction, drains or landscaping interacted with that area if
simialr arguments might be advanced by the developer.