

May I draw attention to the following advert.

Dorset County Council


£45,124 - £50,408 Based in Dorchester, Dorset

Our Joint Archives Service at the Dorset History Centre serves Dorset, 
Bournemouth and Poole, and our Board members are keen to see it develop 
further. From outreach and learning to online development and income 
generation, you'll have some tough challenges ahead of you, and the full 
attention of the Board. It will see you talk to owners of collections, great and 
small, our users and our staff, committees and Board members, instilling 
confidence at each meeting through sheer expertise. You'll be helping the 
three Councils preserve and promote their heritage, improve even further, and 
break a few records of their own.

Closing date: 31 May 2009 

Interviews 10 and 11 June 2009

For the full story got to

We value diversity and welcome applications from all parts of the community