

Thanks to everyone who got in touch. Many people asked for me to post a 
summery of responses.

Most people said very definately that archives should charge for this as venue 
and filming costs are worked into the budget for tv shows.

Some people said that they were willing to be flexible on cost depending on 
the size of the production company. Fees ranged from £25 per half an hour to 
£350 per hour. Other companies had flat fees per visit of up to £350.

It was mentioned that the preparation time should also be charged for. And 
that reprdocuction fees could also be charged when documents were shown 
on screen.

Several people also have pro forma 'applications' which gather information 
about the company, whether the tv show has been commisioned or is being 
produced in the hope of sale in the future, the names of ALL crew members, 
what the purpose of the documentary is, why they wish to film in the archive. 