

Dear all,

We are currently looking to develop some professional doctorates at the University of Kent and we would be very grateful if colleagues were willing to share their own experiences of developing professional doctorates with us. We would be especially interested in information relating to the following:

* whether you have stand alone regulations, policies and codes of practice for your professional doctorates.
* whether your institution stipulates a minimum research component within your professional doctorates.
* how your professional doctorates are delivered (e.g. modes/patterns of course delivery, student support mechanisms etc)
* the institutional process used to approve your professional doctorates.

We would be particularly grateful to any colleagues who may be willing to share documentation and programme specifications relating to their own professional doctorates.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes

Suzie Taylor
Graduate School Officer
The Octagon
Cornwallis South East, Rm SE14A
Graduate School
University of Kent

Phone: (01227) (82)3182
Email: [log in to unmask]