

Dear all, 

I have two questions concerning BMS in spm8:


1. There is an out of memory error when comparing (rfx) too many models in
spm_dirichlet_conj_exceed.m  because the 'r-matrix' becomes too big.

 See line 37: r(:,k) = spm_gamrnd(alpha(k),1,Nsamp,1);


      I think I found a workaround:

      By saving the gamma distribution for each model alpha in a .mat-file,
the working memory cost can be lowered.

Afterwards each mat-file is loaded when needed for comparison. This way it
takes longer, but the results don't seem to differ from the original script
(due to spm_gamrnd the results (xp) differ for every run slightly, so I
checked twice: first by using another function and second by comparing the
variation of the results) when comparing few models.

      Further details can be found in spm_dirichlet_conj_exceed_by_jotue.m
as attached.           


2. When viewing the results of BMS using the matlabbatch I get an error: the
field BMS.DCM.rfx.BF does not exist.

This is not the case if the results are displayed after estimation.


When I replace BMS.DCM.rfx.BF with BMS.DCM.rfx.SF and BMS.DCM.ffx.BF with
BMS.DCM.ffx.SF in the file spm_run_bms_dcm_vis.m

It seems to work.


Did anyone else encounter these problems?

Is my way to fix it correct?


Thank you 

Johannes Tuennerhoff





Johannes Tünnerhoff
Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics

Cognitive Neuroimaging
Spemannstraße 41
72076 Tübingen
Telephone: +49-7071-601 1785
Telefax:   +49-7071-601 616

Website:  <>
