

History Within: The Phylogenetic Memory of Bones, Organisms, and Molecules


Doctoral and Postdoctoral Positions 

Research Center for Social and Economic History, Department of History, University of Zurich

Deadline for application: July 1, 2009


At the Swiss National Science Foundation sponsored professorship of Marianne Sommer a doctoral and a postdoctoral position (100%) are available, beginning February 1, 2010. The professorship is located at the Department of History of the University of Zurich, Switzerland. The positions are granted for the duration of four years.


The positions are part of the project "History Within: The Phylogenetic Memory of Bones, Organisms, and Molecules" that engages the cultural history of the historical life sciences. It analyzes the contributions that sciences such as evolutionary biology, (paleo)anthropology, primatology, and human genetics have made to cultures of remembrance since the turn to the 20th century. How do these sciences provide orientation, meaning, and identity through the popularization and commercialization of origin narratives and historical images? The project focuses on the reconstruction and communication of biologically founded history - the scientific theories, objects, practices, media, genres, and institutions involved -, as well as on processes of reception, such as the appropriation, translation, and rejection of scientific history by particular individuals and groups and in different media and genres. A description of the project can be downloaded at 


1) PhD Position (100%)


The successful candidate holds a master's degree in the humanities, social or natural sciences, preferably with competences in the history of science or science studies. Fluency in either German or English (oral as well as written) is mandatory. Applications should contain a c.v., including copies of certificates. If a dissertation project already exists, a short description should be provided.


2) Postdoctoral Position (100%) 


The successful candidate holds a PhD in the humanities or the social sciences, preferably with a focus in the history of science or technology. Fluency in either German or English (oral as well as written) is mandatory. Applications should contain a c.v., including copies of certificates, and a short description of the project, outlining the subject, method, and aim of the planned work as well as its connections to the general theme (see above).


Applications should be submitted no later than July 1, 2009, to: Silvia Rodriguez, Forschungsstelle für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Universität Zürich, Rämistrasse 64, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland. 


For administrative questions, please contact Ms. Rodriguez: [log in to unmask] For questions regarding content, please contact the project leader, PD Dr. Marianne Sommer: [log in to unmask]


Zurich, April 28, 2009