


There are still places on the following course. If you would like to attend please book
your place by Friday 24 April at the latest.

Planning & managing staff inductions 
Time: 10:00 - 16:30
Venue: University of Manchester - Joule Library Classroom, Joule Library
Tutor: Deborah Dalley

Book a place:

NoWAL Members: £75
External Delegates: £110

A comprehensive induction will help an individual to develop the skills, knowledge and
behaviour needed to effectively fulfil the requirements of their new post. It can also
help to prevent performance problems in the future and contributes to staff feeling valued
by their organisation.

At the end of the course participants will be able to:
- Explain the importance of a structured induction programme which makes clear the role
of the organisation, the department and the individual. 
- Design an effective induction programme which covers the key issues for the
individual’s first day, weeks and months. 
- Plan a training session suitable to instruct an individual in a specific task within
the programme which identifies who should carry out the training, how it will be delivered
and how the effectiveness of the training will be evaluated. 
- Explain the importance of monitoring performance and giving feedback as part of the
induction process. 

Who Should Attend?
This course is aimed at all staff involved in the induction process from those who design
and plan the programme to those who are involved in delivering it.

Comments from previous attendees
"Very good course- well structured."

"Again another useful course from NoWAL that meets a need that is difficult to satisfy
elsewhere. More like this please…!"

"Excellent as ever- loads of useful suggestions and ideas to improve the induction
process. Can’t think of anything that was missing. A great over-view with enough detail
in each area to stimulate lots of ideas for 

Book a place:

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you

Gil Young
NoWAL Support Officer

NoWAL: Widening access to library resources and improving learning and information
support services through innovation, influence and partnership.

NoWAL Office
Room 212
Department of Information and Communications
Manchester Metropolitan University
Geoffrey Manton Building
Rosamond Street West
Off Oxford Road
M15 6LL

0161 247 6021

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