

Hi all,

from lhcb VO CARD:

The static gridmap-file should not contain any other mapping than .lhcb. 
It means that somehow the site must provide a edg-mkgridmap.conf file (used to
build the /etc/grid-security/gridmap-file) that looks like that for LHCb:


# Map VO members  (root Group)
group vomss:// .lhcb

I know how to do that in our lcg-CEs by hand, but I'm wondering if I
could do it with YAIM.

Now I have:
# grep lhcb /opt/localconf/gLite3.1/yaim/pic/groups.conf 

Obviously, if I remove prd, sgm and pilot all lhcb users will be mapped
to normal pool account, and grid mapfile will look as desired, but
then, voms mapping won't work with Roles. 

am I right? If so, is there any way for creating the desired status
grid-mapfile with YAIM?

**** I'm trying to understand how /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile
dn-grid-mapfile and voms-grid-mapfile are created:

1.-) Create dn-gridmapfile:
# cat /etc/cron.d/edg-mkgridmap 
38 2,8,14,20 * * * root (date; /opt/edg/sbin/edg-mkgridmap --output=/etc/grid-security/dn-grid-mapfile --safe) >> /var/log/edg-mkgridmap.log 2>&1

2.-) create grid-mapfile:
# cat /etc/cron.d/lcg-ce-mkgridmap 
0 * * * * root (date; cp /etc/grid-security/dn-grid-mapfile /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile.tmp; cat /etc/grid-security/voms-grid-mapfile >> /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile.tmp; mv /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile.tmp /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile) >> /var/log/lcg-ce-mkgridmap.log 2>&1

3.-) but, how is voms-grid-mapfile created? I don't see references 
 neither in cron nor in yaim functions...
