

Hi Andreas,

Andreas Haupt wrote:
> Hi Andrey,
> On Wed, 2009-04-01 at 17:19 +0400, Andrey Kiryanov wrote:
>> Hi Andreas,
>> Did you receive my previous mail?
>> Your CE is still flooded with grid_manager_monitor_agent processes. This 
>> is caused by bug #48588. You have to restart globus-gatekeeper.
> I don't know if this is the case here. What do you mean with "flooded"?

I'm quite sure it is. You have lots of grid_manager_monitor_agent 
processes running on your CE while you should have grid_monitor_lite 

> [root@lcg-ce1 ~]# ps auxww|grep grid_manager_monitor_agent | wc -l
> 28

Right, that's exactly what I mean by "flooded". It should be zero.

> [root@lcg-ce1 ~]# ps auxww|grep gma
> patlas36  5717  0.0  1.9 107792 39444 ?      R    16:02   0:00 globus-gma: polling job
> root      5722  0.0  0.0 51120  668 pts/0    S+   16:02   0:00 grep gma
> root     15279  0.9  1.9 106720 40008 ?      Ss   Mar31  15:49 globus-gma: polling jobs
> patlas01 25746  0.0  0.0     0    0 ?        Z    04:02   0:00 [globus-gma] <defunct>
> This is ok, isn't it? Well:

It's not really. Gatekeeper needs to be restarted so that GLOBUS_GMA 
environment variable gets propagated properly.

> [root@lcg-ce1 ~]# uptime
>  16:05:16 up 231 days,  5:52,  1 user,  load average: 3.83, 4.09, 4.67
	Andrey Kiryanov.