


I am trying to make sure I am doing a 2-group t-test with additional
variables (age and sex are tipical choices) correctly, according to
the instructions at 

For space/illustration purposes, let's say I have a group A of N_A=3
subjects, and a group B of N_B=4. The design.mat/con files produced with
the design_ttest2 tool and used in the randomise command are:

==== design.mat with no additional variables:
/NumWaves 2
/NumPoints 7
/PPheights 1 1
1 0
1 0
1 0
0 1
0 1
0 1
0 1
==== design.con :
/NumWaves 2
/NumContrasts 2
/PPheights 1 1
1 -1
-1 1
==== ==== ==== 

My understanding, should I wish to add an additional (confounding)
variable, like age, is that I should add another column (with
appropriate age values) to the design.mat file, and leave the contrast
file and everything else unchanged (thereby the contrast ignoring the
new variables):

==== design.mat with additional -age- variable:
/NumWaves 2
/NumPoints 7
/PPheights 1 1
1 0 24
1 0 48
1 0 35
0 1 29
0 1 47
0 1 22
0 1 31
==== ==== ==== 

and that I should use exactly the same randomise command as before to
compute the tfce_p_tstat images, with the obvious modification should
I wish to include even more (confounding) variables. 

Is this correct? 

Also, when the simple 2-group t-test is done, a number of (N_A +
N_B)!/( N_A! * N_B! ) maximum permutations are possible to choose N_A
subjects for the first group. However, when additional variables are
used, there seems to be room for more shuffling rather than just group
membership. Actually, I ran the randomise command with the -q option
for these design files and I obtained an exhaustive number of
permutations equal to 2520=35*72 in place of the 35 initial ones
(before adding the 3rd column). Is there a simple explanation for this
number (the multiplicative 72 factor)?

Thank you very much,
Silviu Podariu
UNMC, Omaha