

Marie Parker,

Your post raises some very important questions and issues that, at least in my view, should be central to debates and discussions within the FOW, as well as within wider society. 

While I have no idea whatsoever whether there will be any divine or extraterrestrial intervention to save us from our follies, I think that we should not rely on this occurrence. We should try to resolve our problems by ourselves. In my view, Nick Maxwell's call for an intellectual revolution is aimed attempting to do this. It is for this reason, despite the many philosophical reservations I have about his "philosophy of wisdom" and his "philosophy of science", I applaud Nick's efforts and support them.

I also agree that over-population is a serious problem facing us, but, in my view, population control cannot provide the solution to this problem without radical changes in the economic and political systems, which are predominantly systems of domination, exploitation, and plunder, within which starvation, poverty, and ecological destruction are used as weapons of mass destruction for the benefit of a small wealthy and powerful minority. "Neoliberal globalization" is little more than an euphemism for the continuance of colonialism and war profiteering. 

Maarten van Schie has posted these discussion threads on the FOW forum. It would be great if FOW members would continue and develop these important discussions there.

all the best,
