

Anyone with a strong interest in public bicycle schemes (a la Velib) should check out this latest publication from Spicycles.


It also contains some fantastic photos!


My apologies if you’ve already seen it.


Dave Horton


Dear Colleagues & Friends,

When the Spicycles project was launched in 2006, cycling was not the "hot" mode of transport that it has become today. As project partners, we wanted to gather experience related to specific areas of cycling policy. We were keen to explore how key elements such as communication and awareness raising, and the building of local partnerships, might increase the modal share of cycling. We had big expectations at the beginning of the project regarding cycling planning, but could not have predicted the explosion in the popularity of public bicycle systems that has taken place during Spicycles. All Spicycles' results can now be seen in the reports and newsletters on the website, which also features an innovative interactive map for cycling planning, a benchmarking tool and a pool of consultants.

Click here to gain access to 'Cycling on the rise'. the greatly anticipated Spicycles Final Brochure. [I’ve removed the original attachment to make this email list-friendly - DH]