

From Jonathan Pugh, Director of the Spaces of Democracy and the Democracy of Space network, Newcastle University?...



Continuing our work with Hilary Wainwright, I am pleased to announce the following debate ...



Public Service Reform...but not as we know it! Join the debate on?alternatives to privatisation



On Tuesday 5 May 2009 from 6.15pm - 7.45pm in Parliament



Communities and Local Government Secretary **Hazel Blears MP** will offer a response to the findings of a new book by Hilary Wainwright called 



Public Service Reform...But Not As We Know It!



Other speakers at the launch debate include **Hilary Wainwright** (author); **Jon Cruddas MP**; **Heather Wakefield** of UNISON and **Kenny Bell**, UNISON. 



The book tells a fascinating story of how by strengthening democracy, involving workers and citizens we can transform public services. 


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