

Hello everyone,

When I try to open 4D spectra in CCPN they are interpreted as some kind 
of 3D experiment consisting of F4, F3 and F2. The last recorded nucleus 
(in F1) is always missing. The spectra look quite well in TOPSPIN where 
they were processed.
Usually I use bruk2ucsf that comes with SPARKY for data conversion but 
this failed too, due to a non further explained segmentation error.

The error message displayed when opening a spectrum in CCPN is:
    "Warning: spectrum (Expt_1, 13): data file 
/home/marcel/test.090422/13/pdata/1/3rrr not accessible"
As it is a 4D there is no 3rrr only a 4rrrr.

Has anyone an idea why CPPN might misinterpret the procs/4rrrr file and 
is able to help me out?
I am using Analysis 2.0.6

Thank you in advance.

Best wishes

Marcel Jurk

Leibniz Institut fuer Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP)
Solution NMR (AG Schmieder)
Robert-Roessle-Str. 10
13125 Berlin

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