


Wim is probably better placed to answer this, but it looks to me like 
there is a restriction in the Bruker parsing code to <= 3D.  (Probably we 
didn't have any 4D data set to test this on.)  So if you look in the file 
ccpnmr2.0/python/ccp/format/bruker/, around line 133 
you will see:

     self.numDim = 1
     for i in range(3,1,-1):
       if ('proc%ds' % i) in files:
         self.numDim = i

Change that 3 in the second line to 4 and see if that works.  (So, is 
there a proc4s file for 4D data sets?)  (Even if that works, it's possible 
there will be another issue downstream.)


On Fri, 24 Apr 2009, Marcel Jurk wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> When I try to open 4D spectra in CCPN they are interpreted as some kind of 3D 
> experiment consisting of F4, F3 and F2. The last recorded nucleus (in F1) is 
> always missing. The spectra look quite well in TOPSPIN where they were 
> processed.
> Usually I use bruk2ucsf that comes with SPARKY for data conversion but this 
> failed too, due to a non further explained segmentation error.
> The error message displayed when opening a spectrum in CCPN is:
>   "Warning: spectrum (Expt_1, 13): data file 
> /home/marcel/test.090422/13/pdata/1/3rrr not accessible"
> As it is a 4D there is no 3rrr only a 4rrrr.
> Has anyone an idea why CPPN might misinterpret the procs/4rrrr file and is 
> able to help me out?
> I am using Analysis 2.0.6
> Thank you in advance.
> Best wishes
> Marcel
> -- 
> Marcel Jurk
> Leibniz Institut fuer Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP)
> Solution NMR (AG Schmieder)
> Robert-Roessle-Str. 10
> 13125 Berlin
> Germany
> eMail: [log in to unmask]
> Phone: +49-30-94793223
> Fax:   +49-030-94793169