

"....the Irish Museum of Modern Art with the support of the Department of
Arts, Sport and Tourism, will bring Seamus Heaney himself to a national and
international audience, for an occasion on which poets and their readers
throughout the world will rejoice."

Hear here the nobel man, throughout the world we will rejoice and sing and
give thanks and praise for this wonderful series of events on television and
wireless. I for one will be kneeling in worship, paying adoration at the
appointed time some hours later today, when mister Tubridy begins the
benediction, and would like to avail of the opportunity to thank RTE for
this marvelous, excellent and life-changing religious radio show, leading
the faithful, pouring over the holy texts and sending my life savings as a
birthday gift, hoping it will be of use. 

I would also like to reach out in a spirit of peace and reconcilliation, to
the sinners and non-believing colleagues who have strayed from the one true
path, begging they repent and return to the fold. Please, please send what
financial assistance you can to RTE and ask for forgiveness.