

Philip Hobsbaum - poet and critic. Eric Hobsbawm - Marxist historian. It's quite 
possible Heaney read Eric Hobsbawm's 'Primitive Rebels' and 'Captain Swing' (or 
anything else by him), but Philip Hobsbaum was the one who convened 'The 
Group'. A minor point maybe, by the standards of this. I wrote my paragraph 
early on in response to an invite from John Tranter. I was pointing out what I 
thought were anomalies or oddities in Heaney's remarks, in a spirit of trying to 
make sense of them. I don't really want to be quoted as slagging off Heaney. I 
think he's a brilliant poet and entitled to his opinions. As of course are Jeffrey 
Side, Desmond Swords and Peter Riley's Aunt Edith's pet warthog - entitled to 
their opinions, that is. I felt a bit sorry for Jamie McKendrick, who must now 
think anyone interested in 'avant-garde' poetry is a complete tosser: I would.

But it's easy to get carried away in a context where there are apparently no 
standards. I wrote another short note to Jacket, which John Tranter was kind 
enough not to publish. He's an excellent, generous editor.

