


This is to remind you of the next CTS seminar at UCL, which will be given
by Dr Francesaca Medda, who lectures at UCL on Transport Economics.
The topic will be Accessibility Without Access.

We hope that you will be able to join us for this.



25 March 2009

16.00, Centre for Transport Studies
University College London

218 Chadwick Building

Accessibility without access
Francesca Medda

Centre for Transport Studies
University College London


In the Eddington report one interesting table depicts the economic 
returns of various transport investments. The result of this analysis 
is easily predicted: road investments should always be preferred to 
rail investments and certainly they must be preferable to investments 
in fast rail. The questions that we need to ask at this point are: Is 
the increase and improvement of accessibility a main priority of 
transport investments? And if so, why are the investments shown in 
comparison tables not compared in relation to the accessibility that 
they achieve?

Transport accessibility, in this work, is examined as a merit good 
and we therefore assume the necessity for government intervention in 
its provision. However, transport accessibility may be achieved 
through different levels of merit good values, as for instance, rail 
intervention versus road intervention. Some transport systems achieve 
greater equity in accessibility, thus a higher merit good value; this 
implies that social planners need to discriminate various levels of 
subsidy and investment in relation to equity in transport accessibility.