

Effective supervision (professional doctorates and part-time doctorates)


Missenden Abbey, Nr Amersham, Bucks

23/24 April 11.00 start


Caroline Gatrell

Lancaster University Management School, author of ‘Mission Impossible – doing a part-time PhD’ and Managing Part-time Study


Anne Grinyer

Institute for Health Research, Lancaster University


John Wakeford

formerly Director of the School of Independent Studies, Lancaster University

New forms of doctorate challenge traditional supervisory and assessment practice, and many such programmes are proving to have very low completion rates.

All HEIs in the UK are now committed to preparing and updating supervisors for their task. With two tutors with experience of pioneering doctoral programmes in Health and Management we will provide those new to supervision, more experienced supervisors, and deans and administrators who have responsibility for professional doctorate and other part-time doctoral programmes, an opportunity to examine and share experience of good and bad practice, and how to improve success rates.

·         All materials provided can be copied and used for in-house training sessions for postgraduate students and their supervisors


Details and bookings:

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or you can contact John Wakeford, Head of the Centre and seminar leader: [log in to unmask]  mobile 07905111415                                     


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John Wakeford
Missenden Centre
mobile: 07905111415