


If you don't mind me commenting.........

1.  This is the most clear expression of the three logics, and how the new scholarship is different. 

2.   I still wonder if the expressions about life-enhancing energy are understandable to educational researchers, and whether these expressions risk rejection through misunderstanding?   
The explication of ontological values is much clearer to me, and I can identify closely with what you are saying.

3.  Tieing in LT with 'inclusional' language compounds possible problems of barriers to understanding in my ears.
It's the 'esoteric' nature that appears alien to the discourse of educationalists in schools colleges and other professions. 
(I can almost feel the protest and resentment my comments might arouse,........ but I say these things in 'agape', and because I think S-STEP is too important to be 'grounded' or 'washed-up', rejected because of its packaging rather than content.).

4.  There are three points where typos have slipped through the checker..... but I know I'mm a fine onne to tallk!!

Hope these reactions are helpful....

Every good wish for your travels....


Brian E. Wakeman
Free-lance Educational Consultant

From: Jack Whitehead <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Monday, 30 March, 2009 15:05:39
Subject: Re: Explaining our educational influences in learn...

Dear Je Kan (and all), I hope your presentation goes well in New Zealand this week and 
I'm looking forward to hearing about it and perhaps seeing some video-clips on YouTube 
if you manage to video-tape your presentation.

If anyone has the time I'd be grateful for responses to the notes I've produced on:

The Living Educational Theories of S-STEP Researchers in an Epistemological 
Transformation of Educational Knowledge


for presentation to the Self-study of Teacher Education Practices (S-STEP) group of the 
American Educational Research Association in San Diego on the 13th April. I'd really like 
to know if I've made a convincing case that practitioner-researchers who are accounting 
for their educational influences in their own learning, in the learning of others and in the 
learning of the sociocultural formations in which we live and work, have produced an 
epistemological transformation in educational knowledge.

If you feel that my case could be strengthen or that it is mistaken, do please say so that I 
can change/strengthen the presentation before the 13th April. Please don't hesitate to let 
me have references to your own work that could help me to strengthen my case.

Love Jack.