


Not sure exactly what format aspects lost on this end.

I was very much taken by your quote from Bakhtin, but wondered where it might be 
found and how he elaborates on it.  The twenties Parisian surrealists' practice of walking 
into cinemas, staying for a while, and then returning to a flaneur's day came to mind, 
though I doubt that's exactly what Bakhtin was referencing.

Your poetic extrapolation quite delicate.  I enjoyed reading it.


 On Thu, 12 Mar 2009 15:16:47 +0900, andrew burke <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>*(This will lose format for those with 'plain text'. Sorry, can't help it.)
>I wake to
>one lyrical song,
>the other a single bell
>frogs on late night shift
>sleep now
>gecko holds fast on
>the window’s flywire
>cotton sheets fall over
>my wife’s reclining figure
>one breast escapes
>and a nipple
>tests the morning air
>by the bed I stand
>cock at half mast
>head in the interactive syntax of dreams
>on my upper arm,
>a live branch in the tropical air,
>a praying mantis
>jumps, tree-leaf green
>with fine limbs, two red
>pinhead eyes on his chiseled
>face, balanced above
>praying hands on delicate arms,
>enquiring now of the air,
>of my body, of my pores
>and sweat.
>                        I stand
>to escort him outdoors,
>talking to him all the while,
>watching his arms and head rise up further
>as sound waves break over him, tongue
>of this strange tree
>lovingly to him.