

With apologies for cross-posting
Sinceso few delegates were able to attend this event on 6thFebruarydue to the adverse weather conditions i.e it snowed!  The CoFHE SW Committee are pleasedto announce that we are able to re-run iton:
Monday 20thApril
The Music Room
Exeter Central Library
Castle Street
We are happy to take bookings from new delegates. Details of the programme and how to book below.
OFSTED looming? Performance indicators not peforming? Quality giving you something to chew over?
Then you need….
Walking on Quality Street: 
Making life sweet by getting quality right!

Find out about CoLRIC Peer Inspection from a former LRC Manager who guided their college to a Grade 1 and is now a CoLRIC Inspector.
Discover the FE Toolkit and how to answer those five key OFSTED questions?
Get inspired with the Inspiring Learning for All framework.
Bobby Fortnam – COLRIC Peer Inspection
 Former Learning Centres Manager at Exeter College, Bobby guided the service through a Grade 1 Outstanding CoLRiC inspection in January 2008 and is also a COLRIC assessor, so will be sharing her experiences of both sides of the process.
Lee Bryant – FE Toolkit
A LRC (Learning Resource Centre) Manager at the City of Bristol College, one of the largest colleges in the UK with over 10 years experience of the FE sector. He has had input into the FE Quality tool. The toolkit demonstrates how libraries and LRC services can address the five key questions of an OFSTED Inspection.
Virginia Havergal - Inspiring Learning for All
 Virginia's the eLearning Advisor for Learning Resources with the JISC Regional Support Centre in the South West. Prior to this she worked for the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council and played a national role in supporting libraries in their use of Inspiring Learning for All – a quality framework to identify informal learning outcomes which are becoming as important as formal learning for our learners. Virginia will lead a lively session on the toolkit leaving you glowing with enthusiasm!

Booking details and directions on then select Circles then South West then Events. We are using the booking form for the original event.

Lee Bryant
Chair CoFHE SW

LRC Manager
City of Bristol College
Ashley Down
0117 3125184