

>I'm hoping that this UKDFD data is on the PAS! The location of the
finds (e.g. 'near Winchester') is far too vague for it to be of any use
to our HER; in the proposal it states ' a four-figure grid reference or
parish' - again too vague to be of any real use?


>Also, it states that 'no findspot...would be published on the Internet'
- no good for online HERs then!


I regularly plot detected finds to eight or ten figures, but have my
output threshold set at four figures at the request of the detectorists
supplying me with the information. I do the same for any records for
hoards or gold finds.


Some of the detectorists on UKDFD only record to parish level, and many
are circumspect as to exact location because they don't want
interference on the sites. This sort of data is no worse than many
records derived from 19th century antiquarians, where parish-level
locations are common. It depends on what you mean by *real use* of the


It doesn't say no publishing of findspots on the internet, only no
publishing of precise locational information.




Andrew Nicholson

SMR Officer

Dumfries and Galloway Council
Planning and Environment (Archaeology)
Newall Terrace, Dumfries, DG1 1LW


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