

Dear all,

Rather than having the list inundated with individual messages advertising the 
AHRC studentships which were annonuced last week, we thought it would be 
more effective to collate the relevant information centrally and then post it on 
the CUTG website. So, could colleagues at the institutions fortunate enough 
to be awarded doctoral and MA studentships for 2009 please reply directly to 
me with the following information?

1. Number of studentships awarded to your institution for 2009 in the doctoral 
and research preparation (MA) schemes
2. Institutional deadline for applications
3. Web address for further information/ application form etc
4. E-mail address of postgrad tutor or other contact for enquiries

We'll then send an e-mail round the list with the information we've collected 
and a link to the relevant (yet-to-be-created) page on the CUTG website.

The deadlines will be quite tight, so could colleagues please get the info to me 
as soon as possible?

