Hi All,

Please find here below the advertisement of a PhD position available at the Institute of Geology, University of Tromsø (Norway), under the supervision of Holger Stünitz.

PhD project in rock deformation
The hard rock research group at the University of Tromsø invites applications for a 3-year PhD position in a new research project "Strength and rheological evolution of the lower continental crust". The group comprises 2 structural geologists, 2 petrologists/geochemists, and 3 postdocs. The project includes the study of high temperature natural shear zones in Northern Norway and experimental rock deformation at elevated pressures and temperatures.
The PhD-project will focus on experimental rock deformation on feldspars using solid medium Griggs-apparatus-technology. The analysis of the experimental microstructures will be combined with that of natural examples. We are seeking a highly motivated candidate with experience in one of the following fields: structural geology, deformation and reaction microstructures, deformation processes, mineralogy, petrology, and fluid-rock interaction. In addition, some knowledge or experience in the use of electron beam instruments, like SEM, microprobe, EBSD, etc. are preferred.
The successful applicant will work in an interdisciplinary team of petrologists and structural geologists in Tromsø, together with partner institutions in Switzerland, Germany, Australia, and the USA.
The earliest start of the project will be July 1st.
Informal enquiries and/or applications containing a full C.V., names and details of two professional referees should be addressed to Holger Stünitz (e-mail: [log in to unmask] , tel: +47 77 62 31 17).
Evaluation of applications will start April 15th, 2009 and will continue until the position is filled. Holger Stünitz will be at the next EGU General Assembly in Vienna (19-24 April), where he can interview potential candidates.

Please pass on to anybody who may be interested.

Many thanks

Luca Menegon
Post Doc Research Assistant in Structural Geology
Dipartimento di Geoscienze
Università degli Studi di Padova
Via Giotto 1, 35137 Padova, Italy
Ph: 0039-049-8271863
Fax: 0039-049-8272070
skype: lucamenegon