

Dear FSL experts,

I am looking at a set of DTI images in terms of FA, MD, L1 and RD (L2+L3)/2 

I didn't get any significant TBSS result for FA, MD, L1, however, when I ran 
TBSS on RD images, I got a corrected p of 0.002 for the same contrast 
(patient > control) and same design matrix.  When I check the tfce correct p 
stats, and threshold them at p<0.05 (in fslview, I put down 0.95), it is pretty 
much the "entire" RD skeleton was significant, which is really awkward.

I went back and visually check the raw RD images, normalized RD images, and 
RD skeleton, everything was normal.  However, I still feel something is wrong, 
so here is my tbss_non_FA pipeline.

1. copy the L2 images and L3 images for each subject, and use fslmaths to 
derive the average of these two.
2. creat a RD folder contaims all the Rd images, and make sure the naming is 
the same as images in "origdata"
3. Run tbss_non_FA RD
4. Run randomise -i all_RD_skeletonmised -o tbss_RD -m 
mean_FA_skeleton_mask -d design.mat -t design.con -n 500 --T2 -V

Did I miss any step?  I read some of the FSL threads that I might need to 
scale the RD images.  By the way, the intensity in my RD skeleton image 
ranges from 0 to 0.001. 

Kindly advise.
