Dear Greig,

You don't have to orthogonalize a regressor of interest... it happens automatically with multiple regression:  Any inference on a contrast of interest is adjusted for all other effects in the model.  This explains why you got the same result each time.

Does this help?


On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 10:22 AM, Greig de Zubicaray <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hello list,

I've just run a multiple regression with tbss on some skeletonised FA data in a single group of subjects using 3 EVs - age, 1 target behavioural variable and 1 potentially confounding behavioural measure. I created a design matrix with the 3 normalised EVs, and orthogonalised the target EV with respect to age and the confounding EV. I assumed this would show me the changes in FA attributable to the target EV with the other 2 covaried out. This was using randomise and the TFCE option. When I display the tbss_tfce_corrp_tstat contrast image in fslview with the -b 0.95,1 threshold, most of the skeletonised data appears to correlate with the target variable. This is the case even when I use a more conservative 0.99,1 threshold. 

I found this a little surprising, so ran the same design again without orthogonalising the target EV. The results were virtually the same.

So I guess the question is, have I done anything wrong here? 

thanks in advance,


Dr Greig de Zubicaray  |  fMRI Laboratory
Centre for Magnetic Resonance  |  University of Queensland  |  Brisbane, QLD 4072  |  AUSTRALIA
Phone:   +61-7-3365-4250  (direct)   |  +61-7-3365-4100  (reception)  |  Fax:  +61-7-3365-3833
Email:    [log in to unmask]  |   Web:
CRICOS Provider Number 00025B

Thomas Nichols, PhD
Director, Modelling & Genetics
GlaxoSmithKline Clinical Imaging Centre

Senior Research Fellow
Oxford University FMRIB Centre