


It is quite interesting to know more about dicom2nifti. And I just
encountered a strange problem, too.

For 3d images, the output from dcm2nii generally includes 3 files:
t1*.nii.gz, ot1*.nii.gz, cot1*.nii.gz. ot1* is from reorienting t1* and
cot1* just gets some neck-clip. But on one subject of my data, the output
has only t1*.

I suspect that some information writtern in dicom files of this subject is
abnormal, which leads to the change of dcm2nii result. Although I could
reorient it by hand, I am still puzzled where it breaks down.

Thanks for any suggestion!

Chun Meng

2009/3/18 Mark Jenkinson <[log in to unmask]>

> Hi,
> Development sequences are tricky in this way.
> It really matters what information gets written into the dicom files.
> Glad you found a solution.
> All the best,
>   Mark