


Once you've selected the region that you want and have the appropriate
intensity value, you can do the following in fslmaths to extract the  
   fslmaths atlasimage -thr VAL -uthr VAL -bin binaryregion
where VAL is the intensity value of the region you want.
The output image (binaryregion) is a binary mask of that region.

Note that some of the atlases also have a 4D image that stores a
probability map for each region separately.  In that case you just
need to work out what volume it is in and then use fslroi to extract
just that volume.

Hope this helps.
All the best,

On 16 Mar 2009, at 21:07, Jennifer Bramen wrote:

> Dear FSL List
> I would like to use individual regions of interest from one of the  
> free atlases. However, the
> atlases are composed of multiple regions and I do not know how to  
> create a separate mask
> for an individual region. Is there a command I can use?
> Thanks
> jen