

Hi Siewmin (and I guess this should answer Sid's questions as well),

If you run FSL's eddy_correct on your data, then this will, as you  
know, produce a text file called blah.ecclog
You can then use the attached matlab script which will read your  
ecclog file and bvecs file, and apply the appropriate rotations to  
your bvecs.
The top-left 3x3 of the flirt matrices do not only contain rotations,  
so you need to do a little trick to extract the rotation part (this is  
done for you in the matlab script attached).

In my experience, I did not notice a  huge difference in my data when  
comparing e.g. FA before and after bvecs rotation, but I guess it  
might make a difference on other data...

The relation between the amount of bvecs rotation and the output of  
dtifit and/or the end result of tractography is not straightforward,  
so I am not sure you can objectively assess whether a correction for  
the bvecs rotation is necessary or not just by looking at MCFLIRT  
