

Forced Migration Online have launched a new resource summary to
commemerate 10 years since the launch of the Guiding Principles on
Internal Displacement. This Resource Summary was prepared to complement
Forced Migration Review’s special edition GP10: Ten Years of the Guiding
Principles on Internal Displacement. It is also follows on from a
conference which was held in Oslo in October 2008 to commemorate this
important landmark. The resource summary provides links to numerous key
resources, websites and documents related to the Guiding Principles, as
well as wider issues concerned with internal displacement.

Note: The material contained in this communication comes to you from the
Forced Migration Discussion List which is moderated by the Refugee
Studies Centre (RSC), Oxford Department of International Development,
University of Oxford. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the
RSC or the University. If you re-print, copy, archive or re-post this
message please retain this disclaimer. Quotations or extracts should
include attribution to the original sources.

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