

Call for papers
6th International Marx & Engels Colloquium
Center for Marxist Studies (Centro de Estudos Marxistas -Cemarx) at the 
University of Campinas (Unicamp)
Campinas (SP)
November 2009

The Institute of Humanities’ Center for Marxist Studies at the 
University of Campinas has begun the call for papers for the 6th 
INTERNATIONAL MARX & ENGELS COLLOQUIM. Papers should be submitted 
between March 2 and June 15, 2009.

General Information

The 6th International Marx & Engels Colloquium accepts two types of 
papers: those which analyze, critique or develop Marxist theory as their 
research subject, and papers that utilize the Marxist theoretical 
framework in empirical or theoretical studies which fit into the event's 
Thematic Groups .
Researchers interested in submitting papers should indicate in which 
Thematic Group they fit. Occasionally, the Organizing Commission of the 
6th International Marx & Engels Colloquium might reallocate papers from 
one group to another.
The Colloquium ‘s Thematic Groups are as follows:

TG 1 – The theoretical work of Marx
A critical examination of the works of Marx and Engels, and the 
polemical debates these stimulated.

TG 2 – Different Marxisms
A critical examination of the classic works of Marxism from the 19th and 
20th centuries. The different currents of Marxist thought and their 
transformations. The theoretical work of Brazilian and Latin American 
Marxists. The question of the renewing and modernizing of Marxism.

TG 3 - Marxism and the humanities
Examination of the presence of Marxism in Economics, Sociology, 
Political Science, Anthropology, History, in the area of International 
Relations, and Law. Examination of the Marxist critique of the 
humanities and the contributions of the humanities in the development of 
Marxism. Polemical theories and Marxist conceptual developments in these 
areas of study. The presence of Marxism in Brazilian and Latin American 

TG 4 – Economics and politics in contemporary capitalism
The Marxist approach to the economic, political and social 
transformations in capitalism at the end of the 20th and the beginning 
of the 21st centuries. New patterns of accumulation for capital, new 
imperialist phase, transformation of the State and capitalist democracy. 
The position of dominant and dependent countries. Brazil and Latin America .

TG 5 – Class relations in contemporary capitalism
The Marxist approach to the transformations that have occurred within 
the class structure. Workers, the working class, "the new working class" 
and "the middle class". The petite bourgeoisie. Peasants in current 
capitalism. The debate on the decline of class polarization at the end 
of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries. The working classes 
and social movements. The new configuration of the bourgeoisie. Social 
classes in Brazil and Latin America. The Marxist concept of social class 
and class struggle in contemporary capitalism.

TG 6 - Education, capitalism and socialism
The relations between the education system and capitalism from a Marxist 
perspective: the training of the workforce; education and social 
classes; ideology and the educational process; education policy. Marxist 
analysis of education in Brazil and Latin America. The cultural 
apparatuses of capitalism (universities, research centers). The cultural 
centers created by the socialist movement. Analysis of the educational 
experiences conducted in societies that emerged from socialist 
revolutions in the 20 th century. Marxist theory and education.

TG 7 - Culture, capitalism and socialism
Capitalism and culture production: the new tendencies; plastic arts, 
literature and the culture industry. Marxist analysis of culture in 
Brazil and Latin America. Culture and socialism: the culture movements 
in societies which emerged from the revolutions of the 20 th century. 
Marxism and culture production.

TG 8 - Socialism in the 21st century
Marxist analysis of 20th century revolutions. The communist and 
socialist heritage of the 19th and 20th centuries and the socialism of 
the 21st century. Marxism and socialism. The question of the renewing of 
socialism. The theory of transition to socialism. Workers and socialist 
transition. Strengths and obstacles for the reconstruction of the 
socialist movement in the 21st century.

TG 9- Labor and production in contemporary capitalism
Social theory, labor and production. Theoretical concepts on production. 
Process and production: valorization process and labor process. Control 
and management of labor process. Class struggle in production. 
Casualization of labor and employment conditions and re-qualification of 
the workforce. Theories that affirm and reject the centrality of labor. 
The new forms of labor exploitation: immaterial labor, informal labor, 
casualized and informational.

Submission of work

Papers should be submitted between March 2 and June 15, 2009. 
Researchers should fill in the submission form at the Cemarx website 
( They should also mail two printed copies of 
their paper, together with a copy of their submission form, to Cemarx. 
Participants should indicate on the outside of the envelope:
a) The Thematic Group (TG) to which their paper is being submitted;
b) Their full postal address and email.

Requirements for the submission of work

1. Papers

The paper (in Spanish or Portuguese) should have between fifteen and 
twenty-four thousand characters (including spaces and footnotes), 
totaling no more than ten pages in times new roman size 12 font. Papers 
beyond this limit will not be considered. Included in the paper should 
be: the name of the event to which the paper is being submitted, a 
title, the author's name and position (professor, post-graduate student, 
independent researcher), and the Thematic Group in which the author 
would like to participate. The content of the paper should clearly 
define the subject to be examined, the methodology used in the research, 
and present its theses and arguments in a way that clearly addresses the 
debate (theoretical, historiographical or political) within which the 
paper is inserted. Important! Papers should follow the referencing rules 
displayed on the Cemarx website.

2. Table discussions

A table discussion is made up of at least four papers in the ambit of a 
Thematic Group. A small number of proposals for table discussions will 
be accepted, privileging submissions by groups or centers of research, 
as well as scientific and cultural associations. The papers of table 
discussion participants, formatted in accord with the previous item, 
should be sent jointly, accompanied with a brief justification for the 
table discussion. It is the responsibility of the applicant institution 
to obtain the necessary resources to ensure the participation of table 

3. Posters

The 6th International Marx & Engels Colloquium is open to the 
participation of undergraduate students, to present papers of scientific 
initiation or graduation, whose subjects fit in one of the colloquium’s 
Thematic Groups.
The research abstract (in Spanish or Portuguese) should have between 
three to five thousand characters (including spaces and footnotes) in 
times new roman size 12 font. Included should be: the paper's title; the 
author's name; and the undergraduate course in which he/she is enrolled. 
The abstract should present the subject of the research, its main ideas 
and findings. Instructions on poster requirements will be published on 
the Cemarx website.

Selection announcement

The period for the submission of papers closes on June 15, 2009. 
Accepted papers will be posted on the Cemarx's website, according to the 
following schedule:
a) July 30: papers;
b) August 15: posters.
The results will be announced four months before the beginning of the 
event as to allow all participants to ask for grants from financial 
bodies and universities, as Cemarx cannot finance the attendance of 
conference participants.

Addresses and contact information

Submission of papers:
Centro de Estudos Marxistas (Cemarx), IFCH-Unicamp
Caixa Postal 6110 CEP 13083-970 Campinas (SP) Brazil
(5519) 3521-1639/ [log in to unmask]

Information (from August 1, 2009 ):
Secretaria de Eventos do IFCH-Unicamp (5519) 3521-1601 / [log in to unmask]