

I wanted to announce a new article of mine, "You’ve Got to Grow or Go": Initiation, Performance, and Reality Television, has just been published in a new online journal called Performance and Spirituality,
the journal of the newly formed Institute for the Study of Performance
and Spirituality (ISPS). Actually, the article's not so new since I
wrote it a few years ago, and it includes some stuff I wound up using
for the dissertation. It began as a conference paper on the Mad Mad House reality show with Fiona Horne.
The journal was a work in progress for a while and hit various delays
because the editor (Ed Lingan) was starting his career, but it's
finally out. Here's the link (for now):
http://ojs.gc. index.php/ PerformanceAndSp irituality/ issue/current

I expect big things from this little organization in the future.We'll be accepting new submissions for articles, book and pervformance reviews and interviews soon.
Enjoy and spread the word.