

Dear all,
This is my first e-mail to the UTSG members. I am Kirti Bhandari, from Nagoya University, Japan, and expect to complete my PhD by March 2009. In this regard i am looking for suitable job/research positions available to me. I completed my Masters in Environmental Science from (Jiwaji University) India, and worked in the Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi thereafter. My thesis is titled "Mass rapid transit in Delhi: Economy, Equity and Environment".
Please let me know of any positions suitable according to my particulars.
Thanks and regards

Ms Kirti Bhandari, Ph. D,
Laboratory of Sustainable Transport & Spatial Development,
Graduate School of Environmental Studies,
Nagoya University, Furo - cho, Chikusa - ku,
Nagoya 464-8603, Japan.
Phone : +81-52-789-2773
Fax : +81-52-789-1454
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