

Dear Everyone:

    When I used MRIConverter 2.0 to convert my fMRI multiple volume DICOM
files (GE Signa) into SPM Analyze format files,
I used the setting: 4D and SPM Analyze format, but I could get only one
volume file (3D, not 4D). For example,
I have 3600 DICOM files, becasue I have 30 slices for each volume and 120
volumes for this fMRI dataset.
When I convert them into Analyze format files, I should get 120 Analyze 3D
files (volumes), or 1  big file but with 120 volumes
(4D), why I only get 1 small 3D Analyze format file?  How I can get 120 3D
files or 1 4D big file?

Thank you very much for your help.
