

Final Call for Papers:

More Inconvenient Truth
Sponsored by PyGyWG
Please send abstracts to Sophie Wynne-Jones: [log in to unmask]
by February 11th.

** Please Note: Posters & short presentations on projects under-formation
& work-in-progress  are particularly welcome for a practical 'Transition
Workshop' which we hope to run as part of the session. **


It’s back - the self-righteous, irritating embodiment of the itch
that won’t scratch itself; the pang of conscience you feel climbing
the stairs to your plane on the way to the next conference…
The prospect of catastrophic climate change has not gone away. And neither
has the imperative for Geography – and everyone else – to do
something urgent about it in the governance of our universities, in our
teaching, and in our place within wider local and global communities.

As part of a continuing bid to place Geography at the forefront of the
transition to a lower-carbon future, which is both environmentally &
socially accountable, this session invites action-oriented interventions
•	Universities and particularly Geography departments IN transition:
What are we doing? What can we do? What are we struggling with? How can we
do better?
•	Universities OF transition: eg. Transition (Town) Universities
•	Transition research: How does our research relate / adapt to the
imperatives of climate change and its wider associated environmental and
social concerns?
•	Academics and activists working to create transition beyond
Geography: How can we engage and learn from them?

We want to open up the (im)possibilities we often find ourselves caught
in, and ask what we can do differently. Moreover, we are keen to
facilitate the sustainable attendance and participation of those who chose
not to travel to attend, through the use of web-casting and video-linking;
as well as deciding the final content and format of the session ‘in
a participatory stylee’ via our blog: