

Sorry Judy, Terrible Work is out of action and has been for a while.
I was seriously ill and the site got neglected - now it's not even  
I hope to start it again at some point but completely revamped - not  
yet though - it's not a priority at the mo.
We certainly need things like it though, especially here in the UK -  
there is plenty of poetry out there but very little in the way of  
meaty reviews. I know that sites that do reviewing have big problems  
getting reviewers and I understand why - time consuming, hard work,  
very little positive come-back, unpaid, a good way to make enemies you  
don't need etc.

Tim Allen

 >Oops, Tim!  Not NP, but POETRYETC, I meant.  Hurry up and [in your
TerribleWerk] review my poetry pamphlet as well as Patrick's, both from
Phantom Rooster Press!