Dear All,

For the cosmology seminar today we will have Prof. David Wands from Portsmouth:

Local non-Gaussianity from inflation: beyond fNL

fNL has become widely used to quantify the non-Gaussianity of the primordial density perturbation due to inflation or alternative models for the origin of structure in the very early universe. fNL is sufficient to describe the primordial bispectrum in some models, notably the curvaton or ekpyrotic models. However other models of local evolution on super-Hubble scales may produce other types of local non-Gaussianity which may have different observational signatures. One can also give more information, which may be testable observationally, including higher-order statistics (such as the trispectrum) or the full probability distribution function.

The seminar will be at noon in room H503 (Huxley Building) in South Kensington Campus.
We will go to lunch with the speaker at 1pm.
