

RE: journal record
One of the checks that we do for our metadata, is we check Ulrich's to see whether or not a journal is peer reviewed. We mediate our metadata, and this isn't something that we ask our academics about: we try to ask them as little as possible, to keep the keystrokes to a minimum. The little referees shirt symbol on Ulrichs shows if the journal is peer reviewed. However, I'd like to share the lesson that we just learnt with the list, which is that the lack of such a symbol does not mean that the journal is not peer reviewed. Just that Ulrich's don't have information about peer review status. So, we will need to amend our procedures to include a check of the journal home page... and/or ask our academics about peer review status.
Not sure if that helps anyone else... but thought I'd share it just in case.
Jenny Delasalle
E-Repositories Manager
Research & Innovation Unit
University of Warwick Library
Gibbet Hill Road
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom
Tel: (+44) (0) 24 765 75793