

Delasalle, Jenny wrote:
> Oh, but there's a world of difference. Otherwise, why are we not just
> leaving it to academics to put stuff on their websites where Google
> can index it, rather than spending all this energy on repositories?
Isn't there a difference between
1) a central.... lets call it "database" of 'Scholarly Output' which has 
been consistently catalogued, and
2) a collection of web pages that are chaotic and inconsistent?

Doesn't the former make it easier for
a) a researcher to find relevant 'Scholarly Output' for a given topic, and
b) an institution to put a corporate identity on 'Scholarly Outputs' 
from their institution, thus raising the profile of said institution 
(aka "Marketing")


Ian Stuart.
Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
The University of Edinburgh.

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