

Dear FSL community,

I am new to FSL and am currently studying Resting State connectivity and am 
trying to obtain connectivity maps by seed voxel correlations.

I've read in literature that I can analyze connectivity of the brain to a given 
ROI using FSL however I'm not sure which tools to use in order to do this.

FDT diffusion seemed like the right tool to use but I was unsure if this was 
more related to DTI structural connectivity.

Also I tried to get FDT to work however I seem to have problems even when 
using the tutorial data.  When using my own data I'm not sure where to start.  
In the tutorial for DTIF files such as the bvecs, bvals and brain masks are 
provided.  However when running my own data I am unsure where to obtain 
these files.

Basically what I want to know is if FDT is the right tool to use and how do I 
generate data files similar to "subj1 / subj1.bedpost" in the tutorial data.  

If I am doing this wrong I was wondering if someone who has experience in 
this area could point me in the right direction.

Also if there is any other documentation besides the tutorial (fsl course) I was 
wondering if someone could tell me where to find it.

Thank you,

-William Sohn