

On Tue, Feb 03, 2009 at 02:24:27PM -0600, Junqian Gordon Xu wrote:
> If you ever need something more powerful/versatile than shell scripts
> and FSLUTILS (Miscellaneous FSL Image Utilities), esp. things you need
> to calculate on pixel level, here is a collection of tools (unified by
> python) I use, which should achieve almost anything you want to achieve
> in matlab (I understand I should refrain myself from commenting on
> matlab, but ... anyway):

> [1] iPython (interactive env)
> [2] PyNIfTI (file I/O)
> [3] numpy (number crunching)
> [4] rpy2 (interface with R for statistics)
> [5] matplotlib (2D plotting)
> [6] python-gnuplot (plotting)

+ Mayavi2 [7] for 3D visualization in IPython which is quite handy in
neuroimaging (full disclosure, I am one of the developers of Mayavi2, so
I am biased).

And if you use Debian or Mandriva, you are in luck because the packagers
rock and the packages in these distributions are up to date with the
latest release. If you use Ubuntu, just grab it from .
